The Firm's Approach

Our Office  
Although a small firm, we have handled huge "paper" cases, with hundreds of thousands of documents, massive databases, and scores of witnesses scattered throughout the world. We have available a support staff of experienced paralegals, computer experts, and research attorneys, which has given us the capability to coordinate large joint defense efforts. Yet we also have worked alone in small cases, with a single defendant and a few witnesses, where the personal touch was the key to success.

Our Office  
In different cases, the firm has focused its efforts on the stage of criminal proceedings most likely to have success. For some cases, this has involved attempts to convince the government that no charges should be brought. When that has not been possible, the approach has been trial. If the client preferred, we have sought to whittle down the charges and the potential exposure through a favorable plea agreement. In both the pre-charging and post-indictment stages, one of the firm's strengths has been creative and effective legal analysis.

Dubitzky has focused on preparation of our cases for trial, on trials, and on working with prosecutors for dismissal or, where necessary, a favorable settlement. Zarky has concentrated on appellate work and motions practice, but also serves as lead counsel.